Mommy Membership Packages

  • Peaceful package

    Price- $220

    Includes 3, 10 minute ultrasounds at any convenient time of your choice throughout your pregnancy. Will mainly be in 2D (gray ultrasound) with peeks of 3D and 4D to see your little one, hear the heartbeat, and just have peace of mind to see how baby is doing! Any future Ultrasounds will cost only $65!

  • Peek-A-Baby Package

    Price- $325

    Includes 3, 15 minute ultrasounds throughout any convenient time of your choice during the duration of your pregnancy to book to see your baby in 2D, 3D, and 4D with all images of ultrasounds texted to your phone! See your baby moving and listen to the heartbeat. Any future ultrasounds will cost only $50.

  • Elite Momma Package

    Price- $430

    Includes 3, 20 minute ultrasounds throughout any convenient time of your choice to come and see your baby in 2D, 3D, and 4D with all the images as well as entire video recording of your sessions sent to your phone. This package will include one heartbeat teddy bear of your choice and one baby onesie! See how your baby is doing, confirm gender at anytime after 15 weeks, and listen to the heartbeat for your peace of mind. Any future ultrasounds with the cost of only $35.