DNA Gender SneakPeak from 7 Weeks and up!
The Sneak Peek test is an early gender DNA test that allows expectant parents to find out their baby’s gender as early as 7 weeks into pregnancy. Here’s how it works:
Blood Sample Collection – A few drops of a blood sample are taken from the mother, using a snap device on the upper arm.
Lab Analysis – The sample is analyzed for the presence of male DNA. If male Y chromosomes are detected, the baby is a boy; if none are found, the baby is a girl.
Results – Typically available within 24-72 hours after the sample reaches the lab and sent to you or the gender keeper by email.
DNA Sneakpeek results take about 2-3 days to receive.
The test is over 99% accurate when taken correctly and is a non-invasive way to determine gender early in pregnancy.